- Canada - BC - Vancouver - Work - Evening - 2006-11-09 Kitchen -

Image Uploaded: Nov 9, 2006

This image was thanks to Adrian, a coworker of mine who monkey'd up a step ladder and patiently listened while I prattled away about what I was trying to do and then adjusted all the kitchen's track lights to suit what was required. Taken in my office's food prep area and for the last few weeks we've been getting the place painted in a green/white/gray colour scheme. It's actually quite a bit better than it sounds, honest! We had an interior designer come in and choose the colours for us and now that it's on the walls, it's quite nice. The window walls are avocado but just a touch brighter, and the wall furthest from the windows are grey. Pleasantly hip (though not quite colour therapy) it's a scheme that seems to even work in our washroom.

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