- Canada - BC - Hope - 2006-08-27 Blue Lake Resort Trip -

Image Uploaded: Aug 27, 2006

Went to cabin at a place called Blue Lake Resort with Reiko. It was wonderful to get away from the city for a little while where things weren't so busy. The "rustic" cabin we stayed in had all the amenities required for cooking and sleeping but didn't come with an ensuite. Not that big of a deal but still a little weird to have to leave the suite and scamper across a field to get to the outhouse.

I love how dark it gets outside of the city, away from light pollution, so we can see the stars and the milky way. Reiko and I sat on the dock watching falling stars and listening to other cabiners across the lake laughing far too loud. Sound carries over water and they probably didn't realize that the entire campground was privy to their party. Fortunately for them, they didn't play truth or dare, unfortunate for us, they serenaded us to songs they knew how to play on the guitar but did not have the faintest glimmer of hope in knowing how to sing.

When night falls, everything generally stops at a campsite. Conversation turns quiet and all around us, the flicker of campfires shining through the cracks between trees while the crackle of pressure releasing from the logs and the crickets calling out become the background noise before we all finally sleep.

We only have two nights here and Sunday we have to run back into the city to our lives and jobs. It has been a good get away.

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