- Canada - BC - Burnaby - SFU - irmacs - 2005-12-12 Construction -

Image Uploaded: Dec 12, 2005

Major renovations going on in the offices beside us. They've quieted down but last week they were right at it with jackhammers and making merry with other black and decker noisemakers. At one point the entire floor had been taken out and chunks of surface were falling onto the level below. Wanted to get some more shots but I wasn't feeling confident enough to just saunter on in and take them. I have a feeling the principle of "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission" would of applied here. I could of also played the part of a dumb-ass student to a T since I wouldn't be playing a part!

Final exam on Wednesday. I can't believe how much information we've covered in 4 extremely short months. Very interesting stuff, however. Didn't realize how much I'd end up liking plants... *hugs closest angiosperm* Though, I think my true love is with the conifers... but that's just plain geeky. Trying now to get into a co-evolution class taught by a plant-ecologist since it may be something that I'm interested in. I'm all about learning how communities function together and co-evolve. I have this small superstition that the same sort of rules that apply to communities and their functionality can also be related back to to game theory of players in a sterile environment like in a business. Social darwinism is a joke passing as a pseudo science but the idea that systems can evolve such that relationships turn altruistic appeal to me.

Had a wonderful meeting with another fellow at the IRMACS facility where he gave me a run down on the basics of game theory (prisonner's dilemma, co-operative barganining and the Nash optimization scheme, etc) and how it relates to my paper. I finally understand how the Quadratic Entropy measure works and this rocks my socks. Crammed a whole lot into the head so I still have to sort it out to be sure what needs to be done next. The problem of having so much molasses as a brain is that there's a lot of bureaucracy that must happen up there before I manage to squeeze out a useful thought. But today was a good step forward!

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