- People - Aki - 2005-09-03 New Bag -

Image Uploaded: Sep 3, 2005

I have a longstanding fetish with acquiring bags, especially courier type bags. They have a single strap so they're worn low or to the side and no sweat chamber is created (like a backpack), they're easy to pull stuff out of and to shove to the bum where they can be forgotten. Today, I think I may have found the bestest bag of them all. Corduroy, 7 pockets with a main chamber, ample space for my camera, spare, lenses, accessories, laptop and school notes. It seems sturdy enough. The one major hurdle is that the bag was meant for the opposite gender. Oh well, I'm going metro, screw people's sense of gender propriety in accessories! I've thrown enough guys off with my long hair that this little display shan't bother me one bit.

This is cool.

I think I'll celebrate by taking a walk down to the park.

With my new bag.

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