- Canada - BC - Brackendale - 2005-11-06 Retreat -

Image Uploaded: Nov 6, 2005

Went to the Ecology and Evolution Retreat in Brackendale, BC this past weekend. Amazing, amazing people there. I must admit that I was a bit intimidated by all these incredibly sharp people in a room together. Was unarguably a great experience though.

While intended for graduate students, I managed to sneak myself in as a student helping a professor out and also functioned as the "offical photographer". Knocked off quite a few frames but managed to retain 10% of all images shot as keepers. Pretty decent for such difficult lighting conditions I think.

Running just from Friday to Sunday, the talks and posters were fascinating: Ranging from population dynamics to the dynamics of selection it's incredibly cool to see what sort of stuff is at the edge of research. Really makes me want to put a little bit more oomph into what I'm doing now. (which I should really smarten up on)

The rest of the images are here.

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