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Image Uploaded: Apr 16, 2006

Saw a cutsie message on a site today, it read "If you were flowers, I would pick you" and wondered if they realized that the phrase would translate into "If you were humans, I'd rip out your genitals".

Two more sleeps before the final final of my school career. Hopefully I don't screw it up too much. I've been a bit slack about my studying mostly because of so many things going on. Big plans for the summer, I may end up travelling a little in South Africa. Have been informally asked to take photographs for a special project. Not too many details yet since they haven't been explained to me yet either

Stolen from [info]bride. Look, an arctic fox! ----> @V

I love <3 arctic foxes.. Their pelage colour can change depending on the season, usually from brown to white. Some are also known to have a blue tinge on their winter fur so they're also called blue foxes. Having incredibly acute hearing, they can hear small mammals in the sub nivean zone under the snow and are known to pounce through the snow and pin their prey with their paws till they can get their mouths through the snow pack.

Which reminds me, checks YAY!!! Gustaf Samelius seems to have finished his data collection and now appears to have some preliminary results on his site in working towards an understanding of arctic fox population dynamics. :)

Time for some sleep. Wedding proper to take pictures of tomorrow.

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