- Canada - BC - Burnaby - SFU - AQ - 2005-11-30 Snow -

Image Uploaded: Dec 1, 2005

This has been one of those months where things just never seem to cease. One project done, there's another that's the back burner that begs for more attention. Really, where do these irritating little smurfs come from? In a mild state of panic and stress from workload but it's manageable. I know of a classmate of mine that has 3 finals and countless papers and presentations due this week. 2 hours a sleep a night, for the last week, I think: Rest in peace, friend.

Just for fun, here's the alphabet according to Google (AKA. enter the letter and see what magic happens! *cough*procrastination*cough*)

A: Apple
B: B'Tselem
C: C-Span
D: D-Link
E: E! Online
F: F-Secure
G: Gmail
H: H-net
I: iTools
J: Jennifer Lopez
L: Council of Europe
M: Texas A&M University
N: The N (nighttime network for teens)
O: O'Reilly
P: PFLAG.org (Parents Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)
Q: Q4music.com
R: R (programming language)
S: McDonald's
U: University of Arizona
V: V&A (museum)
W: White House
X: X Windows
Y: Yahoo Messenger
Z: Z-Communications

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