- Canada - BC - Vancouver - Events - 2005-09-08 Pac Macro - Final -

Image Uploaded: Sep 8, 2005

Spent the afternoon chasing students around. The CSSS is having frosh week and one of the activities was Pac Macro. From the site (I think)

"The game is PacMacro, the live action version of PacMan. We select a 5x6 block area of a major metropolitan area and play PacMan on a large scale. On the street we have the ghosts: Inky, Blinky, Pinky, and Clyde all chasing down the ever elusive PacMan. Adorned in large colourful costumes, the race is on to see how many virtual dots PacMan can collect while staying one step ahead of his pursuers, the ghosts! Co-ordinating the game through cellular links, we have their controlers, one per player, in a central command center. Each controler reports the position of their player and updates their player with useful information through a system of interactive online software and Cellular phones."

The rest of the images are here

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